Industry Analysis
Oct 25, 2023

Are Solar PPA Prices Declining in ERCOT?

Industry reports of declining ERCOT solar PPA prices may not be telling the full story.

RenewaFi's data set is big enough to drill down into more detail, where the findings are actually mixed.

While offers to sell solar have decreased at Houston hub and South hub, they've increased at North hub and stayed relatively flat at West hub.

In addition, we've seen sellers stretch down approximately $10 below the median to match with buyers on RenewaFi, indicating that there may be room to maneuver if buyers can find the right sellers.

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Industry Analysis
•  Published
October 25, 2023

Are Solar PPA Prices Declining in ERCOT?

Industry reports of declining ERCOT solar PPA prices may not be telling the full story.

RenewaFi's data set is big enough to drill down into more detail, where the findings are actually mixed.

While offers to sell solar have decreased at Houston hub and South hub, they've increased at North hub and stayed relatively flat at West hub.

In addition, we've seen sellers stretch down approximately $10 below the median to match with buyers on RenewaFi, indicating that there may be room to maneuver if buyers can find the right sellers.